"I'm a wizard, mind you. This place is kept by powerful gods and spirits
of kings. Harm my flesh and you will have to deal with the dead!"
The three Doomshaper models weren't all done at the same time, but I'm going to cover them in a single post since these were straightforward conversions, just head-swaps and some minor repairs.
Primal Doomshaper is very obviously one of the original Mk1 trollkin models, with his oddly proportioned body. But I find it's hard not to like him with that comically big stack of scrolls. I deliberately chose a large head for him, from an Ork Warboss, I think. I'd later have to track down a couple more of these so they would all have the same face.
Epic Doomshaper got the same headswap. I also made a built-up epic base for him. It always bugged me that the warmachine epic casters got fancy bases but the hordes ones didn't, so I rectified that. I also gave him an assistant to help with all those scrolls, a warhammer night goblin. There's no particular reason he should be getting help from a night goblin, I suppose, but I liked how it looked on there.
Finally, we have Doomshaper 3. It seems like those dire troll regeneration powers must have done this guy some good, because he grew a good head taller between incarnations. He's also sporting an even larger collection of scrolls, but seems to have enlisted some rather suspect porters to assist him with those. I decided to continue the night goblin assistant for the scroll caddies here. That's one seriously chunky goblin on the bottom there.