If ever there was truly a flagship model to this army, it would be Mulg. Our crack team of scientific experts have already proven Mulg's potent position of palpable primacy, and we persist to placate your plaintive pleas for a paintjob with plenty of panache.1
To that end, I present this exposé on what was, in all seriousness, a solid weekend of painting and something I always love to drop on the table to strike terror into the hearts of heavy warjacks.
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Armor isn't really necessary when you're made from mountain and meat. |
As was the case with the Mauler, I tried to go for a very lurid, hulkish shade of green. This wound up being much more pronounced2 with the size of the model and the deep recesses of the plastic. As my esteemed colleague already
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Me and this club got a few choice words for him. |
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Where's that little punk Physics? |
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"As he turned on his heel to leave, his loincloth fluttered with an indignance to match his own |
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The majesty of Mulg the Magnificent blinds even the finest human cameras |
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Lots of things can be used as a club against the powerless, especially a club |
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While carrying a copy of your manuscript might be more economical |
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Having it engraved in magical runes into your back is much more permanent |
I knew that I was not nearly talented enough to paint the red into the runes after the rest of the stone was painted, so I used a very high level professional painting technique and...well...just didn't do that. Instead, I slathered on a bright, angry red across the krielstone and got the paint into the nooks and crannies of Mulg's back mounted novella. Afterwards, I started drybrushing over the red in GW Dawnstone. This created the desired effect of both having the red coming from within the deeper parts of the model, and some of the red still bled through the grey paint to create a sort of reddish glow around the runes.
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That smile was in fact voted Shaman Quarterly's "Most Desirable Mandible" in 232 AR |
1. Alliteration was never funny [ed.]
2. We've already hit our monthly quota of P words [ed.]
3. Robust? Really? You're trying a bit too hard [ed.]
4. Chemistry jokes don't track well [ed.]
5. Seriously, I don't know how long you can keep relying on that line [ed.]
6. We all know these posts have no strict time-table [ed.]