Janissa Stonetide has been a bit of a project. This model was originally released during the game's first edition, and like some other early trollbloods it is small in stature - perhaps more so than any other model in the original line except Grissel. Getting it to match with the rest of the army required a full rebuild of the model's body.
I began by sawing the model in to its constituent pieces. The arms and the back of the coat were retained. Everything else was set aside as being too diminutive in scale to be useful for the final model. I found a substitute pair of lower legs and feet among the bits - I believe these were left over from the krielstone elder conversion.
The core of the new torso was a spare plastic savage orc. An orc head and some spikes cut from one of the trollblood champion heads gave me what I needed to complete the basic assembly. To detail the model's front, I took press-molds of two other models I had on hand. The chest armor was cast from Calandra, while the runestones were copied from the leader of the runeshapers unit.
The upper legs, shoulders, chest neck and belt were then sculpted on top of this base with putty. Some additional detailing of the straps and cloth was also added before the arms were pinned on. The base was built up separately from milliput and plaster model stones.
Finally, the rising arc of magic stone was constructed. A carefully bent brass rod forms the core of this structure. The plaster stones were individually drilled and then strung on to the rod. Some short sections of the rod are still visible in the final assembly but I don't think these will be visible once the model is painted.