As with doomshaper, I recently finished built the 2nd versions of Grissel and Horgle, but I'll also be covering the builds we did for Grissel1 and Horgle1 here since they weren't posted previously.
Grissel is a straightforward head swap. This is the "new" Grissel model, which is substantially more dynamic (and quite a bit bigger) than the original. The only complicated part was the head itself, assembled from a couple separate pieces to give it both the shouting orc head and the spiky little trollkin mohawk, taken from one of the plastic champion heads.
Epic Grissel was rebuilt a little more substantially, with both head and arms replaced. The scenic base here is a Scibor dwarf statue.
Horgle, the trolls' first junior warlock, was a little more involved. At some point I'd acquired his weapons and anvil from Privateer's bits order service, along with a few other things. I decided to actually build him on the body of a plastic kriel warrior. The arms were reposed to accomodate the weapons, and completed with the addition of a goggled ork head.
Horgle2, now a full-fledged warlock, is just another head swap. This model is too cool to require anything more involved. The head is different from that used above, but sports a similar style. Gotta love that sword, too.
Of note here is how clean Privateer's small casts have become in recent years. Both the resin and metal on parts on this guy were crisp, requiring minimal cleanup, and with none of the slips or bubbles that so often plague resin work. The white metal alloy they're using is hard but comparatively light, which helps keep a model like this from being top-heavy. And having the resin body makes the whole assembly nice and light compared to the original all-metal trollkin.