Aug 13, 2021

Volley’ed and Thundered

No one accuses the gunner of maudlin affection for anything except his beasts and his weapons. He serves as least three jealous gods–his horse and all its sadlery and harness; his gun, whose least detail of efficiency is more important than men’s lives; and, when these have been attended to, the never-ending mystery of his art commands him.

Today's subject is the two Trollkin artillery crew units, consisting of three models for each of the "Thumper" and "Pummeler" guns.

These two models were built from the plastic trollkin thumper kit, which includes options for both the original thumper cannon and the newer pummeler, which is a sort of two-barrel volley gun. The kit only comes with one carriage and set of crew, with the second here being bashed from old models and parts thereof.

The Thumper gun was constructed using the parts from the box set. Each gun is mounted on a large base with a gunner, while the separate crew are mounted on medium bases. The gunner here is based on a plastic trollkin body. The arm holding the telescope is from the old metal trollkin gunner model. His assistants were built from a warhammer grot and an ogre gnoblar.

The Pummeler was mounted on a carriage scrapped together from a cannon by mantic, wheels from an old warhammer chariot, and the gun shield from the original metal thumper kit. The crew for both guns was filled out by extra orcs, dressed up with some tools from another warhammer cannon kit, some reaper bones crates and barrels, and a few more grot and gnoblar helpers.

A few more details of the crew can be seen above. The box set provided a starting point with artillery tools and weapon arms, which were supplemented with a variety of items from other kits. In a couple cases the poses necessitated rebuilding the arms with putty. A group shot of both crews is below.