Oct 9, 2017

Grim Hunts Us All

"Then Angus, with a quiet expression, spoke to his companions in the hunt as they wandered through the solitary wilds. 'Friends, our spears and nets are drenched with the blood of our victims, and the day has been fortunate enough."

Hello, welcome back to another riveting¹ edition of The Ravening Kriels paint articles. Today's story: Grim Angus. Our story picks up where our talented sculptor left off,  a heavily modified, reposed model made from ork bits, original work, and filled gaps. The end result however, really gives the model a well-travelled look fitting for the Hallowed Hunstman.

Oct 6, 2017

Hungry Beyond Mortal Ken

"No recognised school had animated this terrible creature, yet centuries and even thousands of years seemed recorded in its dim and greenish surface of unplaceable stone."

If ever there was truly a flagship model to this army, it would be Mulg. Our crack team of scientific experts have already proven Mulg's potent position of palpable primacy, and we persist to placate your plaintive pleas for a paintjob with plenty of panache.1

To that end, I present this exposé on what was, in all seriousness, a solid weekend of painting and something I always love to drop on the table to strike terror into the hearts of heavy warjacks.

Oct 4, 2017

Old Beyond Mortal Reckoning

  1. a Mulg at rest will tend to remain at rest, unless it is acted upon by an outside Food.
  2. once compelled to motion, Mulg will remain in motion. 
    Deal With It.
  3. when Mulg's body exerts a force on a second body, it dies.
Everybody knows that Mulg is the best.1  He's got the most toothsome backstory, the meatiest big fists, and the writers give him all the wittiest one-liners.  He's a perpetual fan favorite, a cross-genre break-out character, and the troll softball team's MVP and Home Run Derby winner ten years running.

Oct 2, 2017

Labyrinth II: Still Lost

Nor did the creature keep him waiting, but struck suddenly and started in; he grabbed and mauled a man on his bench, bit into his bone-lappings, bolted down his blood and gorged on him in lumps, leaving the body utterly lifeless, eaten up hand and foot.

As we have mentioned before, gentle readers, the troll light warbeasts in this project have been replaced with custom made minotaurs. These products of my esteemed colleague's skillful hand presented numerous opportunities to bring  several distinct looks to models that might have otherwise faded into a unified, and ultimately boring, color palette. However, creatures so adept at defying gravity and conventional physics should have similarly distinctive paint jobs.

Oct 1, 2017

Center of the Labyrinth

The monsters stirred, those demons, those fiends - who haunted the moors, the wild marshes, and made their home in a hell. Not Hell but hell-on-earth. Spawned in that slime of Caen, murderous creatures banished by the Creator, punished forever for the crimes of their abhorrent Sire.

An early acquisition for the project was a pair of mark II plastic Trollblood battlegroup boxes.  Getting two of them wasn't originally in the plans, but as the old saying goes, "No plan survives contact with a 30% off sale at the hobby shop".  So we ended up with two each of Madrak1 (one of whom would be eventually be the base of a Madrak2 conversion) and the Troll Axer, and a hefty four Troll Impalers... all solid little beasts, albeit rarely taken in those quantities in Hordes.