To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice
While the Ravening Kriels project is, nominally, a horde composed primarily of orcs - an Orc Horde, if you will - it was always the intention to include other monstrous allies commonly seen alongside orcs in fantasy fiction. This includes the ever-popular trolls, obviously, but also such things as minotaurs, goblins and all sorts of other belligerent brutes.
Somewhere fairly early on in this project we decided that the Northkin models, who at the time had no formal classification, would be converted in to ogres. The decision was driven initially by what to do with the Trollkin Champions, who are notably larger and tougher than the other trollkin. Ogre-ification also seemed a natural fit for the associated characters, such as Skaldi and Borka. And I had a good amount of WHFB ogre models laying around anyhow, having played that faction in years past. So we took a stab at a few test-fits to see what we could come up with.
From left to right, test fits for a Champion Hero, Borka, and Skaldi |
One of the first attempts at a Champion |
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More recently, I took a stab at converting the gorgeous Northkin Shaman model. |
You'll notice the plastic WHFB ogre bodies are a nice fit with both pieces from the battlebox light warbeasts and the limbs from the plastic champions (of which I think I've cannibalized three units to date). A lot of the assemblies we tried looked pretty good, but it was also obvious they'd need a solid amount of putty work to hold them together, so they went on the back burner for a time.
More recently, I revisited these models to finish them up. The northkin shaman pictured above was patched together from the official model, along with legs and head from the ogre stonehorn kit, and a club from the plastic dragon ogre sprue (also warhammer), fused together with a bit of sculpted cloth and fur.
The Skaldi coversion is 0% official Skaldi, this being another one of the older edition models that is very small next to newer trollkin models. The metal Skaldi would be small even for an orc, and I didn't think I could make it work for an ogre at all. The build is instead based on an Avatars of War ogre warlord.
I swapped part of the torso, using the other half of the ogre rider cannibalized to make the shaman above. The hammer's head is also from the dragon ogres, with greenstuff sculpted over brass rod for the haft. The arms are taken from the trollblood impaler, and the barrel is (I think) from an WHFB Empire cannon kit. To put it all together I sculpted a little vest for him, decorated with stamped 'rivets' (courtesy of a pen cap) and an shield boss from the old plastic orc sprue. I also ran out of brown putty halfway through here, so you get a nice two-tone, heh.