That one's for you, Jack. Alright, so, Fennblades. This was the first dedicated unit I converted as part of the trollkin project. After the kriel warriors (which were originally just Orc Boys) this was the most straightforward of the infantry units, with conversion work limited to headswaps and a few reposed arms.
The unit itself is a fairly straightforward assembly. I used a variety of heads left over from other projects (both WHFB and 40K), with the bulk of them being the "shouty" boar boy style. I also reworked some of the arms to curtail obvious duplication of the sculpts. Putty work here was only as needed to make the heads and arms match. Trollbloods sculpts are on average a bit more upright in their posture than Orcs, so with these it's often necessary to provide a patch behind the head. I experimented with a few different styles here for handling that gap - cloth, armor, and bare skin.
The unit attachment provided a bit more opportunity to experiment. Instead of using the official models as a base, I converted a couple of extra fennblade troopers to fill the roles. Some bits from a WHFB Black Orc kit were used to dress up the models and provide an instrument for the drummer. To make them easier to identify across the table, I attempted to duplicate both the pose and prominent details of the official UA models - most notably the raised sword on the officer and the eye-bandage on the drummer.
My compatriot did a really top-notch job painting these guys, so be sure to check out his post on that to follow shortly.