"Oh! Are you hungry?"
she asked, turning to the Troll, who was just then yawning so
widely that he displayed two rows of terrible teeth and a mouth big
enough to startle anyone. "Dreadfully hungry," answered the Mauler,
snapping his jaws together with a fierce click. "Then why don't you eat
something?" she asked. "It's no use," said the Mauler sadly. "I've tried
that, but I always get hungry again."
As suggested by my colleague colleague, the first warbeast I wanted to tackle was the Dire Troll Mauler. It offered me the chance to get into summa dat good exposed troll flesh and work on building up some techniques for painting large amounts of beast, muscle tissue, and different textures when compared to the infantry. Aside from that, painting a warbeast is always a genuine pleasure since they can each quickly become a centerpiece for forces of small to medium sizes.